Harry Hillman passed away peacefully at home on September 13, 2021. He was 85 years old. A celebration of life will be held on Saturday, October 23, 2021, at 11 a.m. at the Nevada City Elks Lodge. Friends and family are welcome.

Harry was born in 1936 and made his first home in Bangor, California, with his mother and father at the Reed Family Cattle Ranch. In the early 1940s, Harry and his mother moved to Nevada City – the place he called home for the rest of his life. Following high school, Harry enlisted in the military and served in the US Navy as an electrician for 20 years. After retiring from the service, he worked for the Nevada County Sheriff’s Department as a deputy sheriff for nearly 20 years.

Harry enjoyed fishing and RVing with friends. In earlier years he loved growing flowers (Dalias were his favorite) and finding gourmet chocolate at local candy shops during his travels. He was extremely active in the Nevada City Elks and served as Exalted Ruler in 1985-86.

Harry is survived by his daughter Deb (Mark), granddaughters Teresa (Joe) and Talia (Nate) along with great granddaughters Farrah and Nina. He is also survived by step-children, Denise Coward (Bob), Dean and Dan Hunt, and the Coward and Hunt grandchildren and great grandchildren. Harry is preceded in death by his mother, Alma Reed Hillman, father, Louis Hillman, and wife, Joanne Hillman.