Tyson Brandon Hamilton II passed away peacefully in his sleep on October 6th, in the home he built for his family. Tyson was not only a skilled carpenter, he was also a loving grandfather, father and husband. Years of hard work led him to finally enjoy what he called his “rocking chair days”. When he wasn’t spending time with his family, you would often find Tyson reading books, fishing, playing guitar or sitting outside soaking up the sunshine. He was a man defined by good times and even better stories. Like many of the great books Tyson read, his life story was rich in love, genuine friendships, and adventure, but even the most legendary stories have an ending. Help us close this chapter of his life and send him on his way to eternal paradise. Come have a drink in memory of Tyson on November 5th, 2 – 4 pm at the Washington Hotel. Don’t forget your Aloha shirt!