Timothy Robert Coupe was born Sept. 11, 1958 in Sacramento, CA.

His parents are Dr. Robert Charles and Margaret Moak Coupe. He entered this world two minutes before his fraternal twin brother Terry. He joined sisters Karen, Lisa and Mindy.

The family was introduced to water and snow skiing through his dad and he perfected those skills, evolving into a beautiful, adventurous participator of both sports. He was also introduced to shooting and hunting by his dad and Tim was a passionate, skilled marksman for targets, clay pigeons and a respectful hunter for birds and water fowl for his entire life. He was taught to eat everything you shoot and he was very specific in what he shot.

In April of 1981 Tim met Connie Gwin water skiing. He flashed his huge, mischievous smile her way: love at first sight, and they were married 11 months later.

Tim graduated from Sacramento City College with a degree in Metals Technology and started his career as a machinist. Tim thoroughly enjoyed work. He liked making things and making parts. He loved designing and sharing ideas. He always had a job and supported his family, spoiling them, securing a fun, joyful life, never wanting for anything.

Three years into the marriage Caddie was born, followed by Kayla then Tim Jr. Tim adored his family and was ready to do it all. He was a soccer coach for Kayla, a baseball coach for Tim and a cheer dad for Caddie blowing his “conch” shell at all the games and competitions. He decorated his truck and drove all the Girl Scouts in Elk Grove Christmas parades. He transported kids all over the state for church youth group trips, ski trips, church camps, lock ins, Devotionals, retreats, trips to theme parks, chaperoning all of them. He was present for dance competitions and recitals. Tim skateboarded, made long skateboards, swam, jumped off diving boards, house boats, and threw kids in the pool. Tim taught them how to work, assisting them when needed or asked. Tim taught manners, he disciplined, he prayed and was an example of his love for God and others with each child, recognizing and appreciating each child’s differences.

In May 2016 Carter Coupe was born completing the Coupe family with a perfect grandchild. Tim doted on Carter. He spent hours talking, chasing, tickling, hiding, scaring, duck calling out of the blind and in the blind together, in the house, and at the duck club. Tim enjoyed Carter, every single minute he was with him. The last Saturday night of Tim’s life was at an Elk fundraiser and he and Carter were playing games, talking about hunting, putting in their raffle tickets together on items they were hoping to win.

Tim was raised Catholic and he was baptized into Christ as an adult in 1994. He was a member of the Church of Christ in the communities where he lived.

Tim left this world unexpectedly on May 3, 2024. He is sorrowfully missed by his wife of 42 loving years, Connie, his beloved children, Cathryn, Kayla, Timothy Coupe Junior and his cherished grandson, Carter Coupe. He is mournfully remembered by his siblings Karen Bonnett, Melinda (Gary) Bazlen and Terrance Coupe, father-in-law Don Gwin, sister-in-law and brother-in-law Kay and Don Blachly and brother-in-law Bob Gwin. He is held dear as the “Fun Uncle” by numerous nieces and nephews, great nieces, and great nephews and even a couple of great, great nieces and nephew. He has many friends that he cherished as family throughout his life.

Dearest Tim you are so missed and will be for years to come until we meet again in Paradise.

Memorial service will be held Saturday, June 1, 2024 at 10:00 AM Hooper and Weaver Mortuary, 459 Hollow Way, Nevada City, CA.