Matthew Paul Gilliland peacefully entered heaven’s gates late in the evening June 12th, 2024 in his home and in the presence of his loving wife; one day after their 36th wedding anniversary. Matt was 62 years old and born in Napa, CA. Matt was self-taught in many disciplines and known to be a jack of all trades and master of many. He gave maximum effort and attention to everything he did, and all the glory to God along the way. Matt loved God and his family with unparalleled enthusiasm. He fervently shared Christ’s love at every opportunity, even after Alzheimer’s had eroded memories of family, friends, and earthly knowledge- Matt was still passionately telling everyone around him that Jesus died for them and of God’s great love for them. His favorite verse was Psalm 19:1-3 ” [1] The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. [2] Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. [3] There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard.” Matt has been reunited with his parents, Jack and Linda Gilliland, and his beloved Grandmother and other heavenly hosts, “Precious in the sight of the Lord, is the death of his faithful servants.” (Psalm 116:15).
Matt is survived by his faithful wife, soulmate, and very best friend, Kimberly Gilliland. Together Matt and Kim have four children and five grandchildren. Daughter Madison, Matt’s “Number 1” and her husband Oliver, children Elaine, Grace, and Theoden. Daughter Hayley, Matt’s “Daddy’s Girl” and her husband Kyle, children Mercer and Temperance. Son Cooper Matthew and his wife Jelena. Son Tracy Paul, following in his Dad’s talented and creative footsteps.
Matt’s family plans to honor him and celebrate his life on Sunday, July 28th, 2024 at 2:00pm at Calvary Bible Church, Grass Valley. All family and friends who would like to celebrate Matt are welcome to attend. RSVP: