Ella Rae Waechter, or “Ella girl/ Ella bean” was born April 5, 2018. She left her home and went to Heaven on the morning of June 29, 2019. Ella endured a lot during her short, fourteen months of life because of her heart condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS), but that didn’t stop her from being happy, sweet, and a little feisty! People were often impressed by her resiliency after three open heart surgeries, two tracheostomy surgeries, one g-tube surgery, stroke, and couple of days on life support. She was a FIGHTER! Ella loved her family and would often be found smiling a big toothy grin and kicking her feet around in excitement whenever she saw any of them.

Ella’s life was shared by her parents through their blog and many people got to know and love her without actually meeting her. You can find that blog at aheartfeltstory.

Ella’s family walked alongside her and loved her more than they ever thought possible. She will be greatly missed by her parents, Matthew and Jillian, big brother, Eli; as well as by her grandparents, Rick and Becca Metz and Jerry and Linda Waechter, and uncles and aunt, Jake Metz and Tim and Julie Waechter.

Ella’s family would like to invite you to celebrate Ella’s amazing life at Twin Cities Church at 11:00am on Saturday, August 10th