Betty Petterson (Lawler), 92, passed away peacefully in her Grass Valley home from Alzheimer’s disease. She lived an unselfish life which began in Conde, South Dakota where she received an AA degree from South Dakota State University. Her education was cut short by the early death of her father, as she had to help the family drugstore continue to supply townsfolk with pharmaceuticals, hardware goods and soda fountain treats. Betty was a strong woman, with accolades in rifle marksmanship, pheasant hunting and playing clarinet with the traveling band.
She moved to California with her mother in the 50’s. She met her future husband, Harry, at Park Florist flower shop in Oakland and enjoyed 56 years of marriage. Harry preceded her death in 2011. Her only sibling, Robert, preceded her death in 2004.
Betty spent 25 years in Pinole raising 4 children while working for Kaiser Aluminum in Oakland. She was active in the PTA and occasionally helped at Petterson’s Flower and Gift shop on San Pablo Ave. She thought nothing of driving her 4 kids to Disneyland in a 1967 station wagon, or roughing it in a tent on week-long camping trips. She retired from Kaiser Aluminum after almost 4 decades. She worked alongside Edgar Kaiser and personally met American industrialist Henry J. Kaiser on several occasions. She was just as comfortable in a meeting of corporate executives as she was running the nickel pitch booth at the Fiesta Del Pinole carnival.
She retired in 1992 to Grass Valley, CA. where she and Harry enjoyed peace and many family gatherings. We enjoyed her candied biscuits, German french fries, piano playing, cribbage and her loving acceptance. She is survived by her daughters Kim and Tina, sons Harry and Robert, grandchildren Amanda, Jay, Eric, Nick, Ashley and great grandchildren Jillian and Mark.
In the end, she took her last breath only when she knew we were ready….an homage to her selflessness. Rest peacefully Mom.